Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All Quiet on the Uterine Front

The final IUI is done and I am in the two week wait. Everything went well. There is no obvious reason for it not to have worked. But then, there has been no obvious reason for any of the treatments failing over the past year plus. We did what we could and now we wait.

I am slightly less hopeful with each failed cycle, but not running on empty just yet. I'm still in a pretty peaceful place and I hope I get to stay there if this cycle doesn't pan out.

Funny story: The morning of the IUI, I went in with Professor to help him out in the collection room. As I always do. Keep in mind, nobody ever offered this as an option and I never asked permission. I've always just followed him in. So this time, we get into the room and he's kinda giggling. I asked him why and he tells me the new lady at the desk gave me quite the funny look when I followed him in this time. Guess I took her by surprise. Heh. God I really hope we're the talk of the staff meetings....


  1. FX this is the cycle that works out beautifully.

    I had to giggle at what the staff thought of you walking in with Professor ;o)

  2. Good for you! I'm sure it cannot be the first time there was assistance in the collection room. BTW, I will be using "collection room" as the new moniker-Rob refers to it as the "Porn Room" for reasons that I really don't want to know the answer to.

    Best of luck!

  3. Oh that's funny! You know, I never thought about going in to "help out." But then later on a found out how horrible the "inspirational" materials were. Poor guys.

    Hope this is finally it for you and glad to hear you're still in a peaceful place.

  4. Good luck with the 2ww! Fingers crossed that this time everything will fall into place for you and the professor xx

  5. First off - could I love the title of this post anymore than I already do? Secondly - good for you girl! Get in that room!!!! I've never been but my husband prides himself on getting the job on his own. And no, I have no idea how to take that. Any which way, you know I'm hoping for the absolute best for you. Fingers crossed.

  6. This seriously cracked me up! I'm trying to decide if I should join in the fun with Mech Friday morning or not. ;) Hope the TWW goes quickly for you and brings the baby you've been hoping for!

  7. Haha, that made me laugh. Good luck with this 2WW!

  8. Wow! How did I totally have no clue that you were even on track for an IUI this month? I've space, for sure. I think that's too funny that you always go in to give the Professor a "helping hand." Good for you!!

  9. It would have been even funnier if one of you had turned around and winked at her just before going in.
