Friday, July 27, 2012

Seeing Red

At last! I finished my course of Prov.era last Wednesday and finally got my bleed this Wednesday. When I called the clinic to report in, they told me they had a call out to the donor they chose for us and were waiting to hear back from her.

I start back on the BCP tomorrow and wait for the clinic to call me with a donor profile. If their first choice says yes, it could be days. If she declines, who knows. Hurry up and wait!


  1. Just started on Provera today myself. Hoping to do donor eggs later this year. Wishing you the best of luck and hope you get called soon.

  2. YAY! So exciting!!!

  3. Ugh, hurry up and wait sucks. Yea for your period showing up ;)

  4. I'm glad that the provera did its job and that you can get going. And I hope there isn't too much waiting involved!!

  5. Praying you get a big YES! Getting so excited for you!
